Within the realm of The Incipisphere there exist two kingdoms forever at war. Prospit, the world of golden light, and Derse, the heliotropic world of darkness. They are locked in an eternal stalemate, as The Battlefield on which they fight does not permit victory for either side. They fight at the center of Skaia, both a world and a dormant crucible of creative potential. This is a delicate balance, and when it is upset then the true war begins. Light versus Dark, Good versus Evil. It is a war that the forces of light are always destined to lose, without exception. Only the intervention of Great Heroes will change the state of affairs as the stand in The Medium. This is a realm of Agents and Exiles and Consorts and Kernelsprites. Of toiling Underlings and slumbering Denizens. A realm where four will gather, the Heir of Breath and Seer of Light, The Knight of Time and Witch of Space. Together they will Ascend. The journey they will take is The Ultimate Riddle, and only by understanding it's mysteries can they hope to attain victory, and with it, The Ultimate Reward.